Sunday 13 December 2015

50ft spray stream height

50ft spray stream height reaches the top of trees

Wish to know more, visit our company website

Friday 4 December 2015

Menghadapi masalah penyembur tangki?

Tangki kecil, rasa letih berulang-alik unutk mengisi semula tangki. 
Small tank, feeling tired to refill the tank regularly

Tangki besar, susah dibawa. 
Big tank, heavy to carry. 
大水箱, 携带困难,感觉疲惫。

Zenoah EBZ8500 tidak ada masalah tangki kapasiti, angin yang kuat boleh menyembur kawasan yang lebih luas dan tempat yang sukar dicapai, seperti pokok yang tinggi.

Zenoah EBZ8500 has no tank capacity problem, large air volume that can cover a bigger area and able to propel the fine droplets to the area that is difficult to reach, such as the tall tree.

Zenoah EBZ8500 没有水箱容量的问题,大风量覆盖范围比较大,也可以把微雾带到难以达到的地方,比如高大的树。

EBZ8500 mempercepatkan kerja penyemburan anda. 
EBZ8500 can help you speed up the spraying job. 
EBZ8500 可以提升你的喷雾效率。

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